Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Yet again

I have blog type things all over, as, I imagine, do many of us. They are typically not dedicated to anything specific, and I wanted to have something where I could consolidate my knitting work. I am deaunrmt on Ravelry and I will be posting some things there, but I don't use it as often. Anyway, it will be fun to do something here. :)

Recently, I have been doing a lot of socks. Baby socks to be specific. A professor of mine, I'm a student of naturopathic medicine, needed wee little wool socks for wool sock treatments. It has been really fun, though I can say that they do get formulaic sometimes. :) I do sell these socks for a reasonable amount if anyone is interested.

The sock above was an experiment as I ran out of purple. It turned out so cute with a stripey heel, but was such a pain in the butt to make! We'll see if I make any more like them.

Most recently, an old friend of mine and her partner had twins and I got the opportunity to make them two lovely blankets. They turned out so well, in fact, that I am making another for another old friend who is expecting!

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This holiday season, my main project is to make a pair of adult socks for my partner from this delicious wool, bamboo, silk blend I found. It should be interesting to hide them! Socks were always something that terrified me, but now that I have found a simple and lovely pattern, I enjoy making them quite a bit.

My next challenge is to make gloves, particularly fingerless gloves with a mitten cover flap. My partner will be going to live in Russia for a year in the next couple of years and she will need gloves, a hat with earflaps, and socks to go along with her nearly six foot long, 18 inch wide scarf! At least I have a year to do it all.

Mainly, I want to keep a relatively coherent record of what I'm doing. I haven't been keeping records or pictures and I've made some really cool things that have gone off to various homes without any record!

I adore knitting and have felt particularly blessed to have projects that are needed by others, as opposed to making a bunch of random stuff that I won't use.

Now to do some non-knitting work.