Friday, June 24, 2011


Ok, so, school is finally out (well until shifts start again next week, but I'll enjoy the weekend) and I just finished the first baby blanket of the summer. I've got one more to go. This has been a baby blanket heavy year!!

This one is for Baby Norton, due in August. He'll look so cute! I'm also planning a bee hat for him.

It only took me 10 days and a few of those were spent studying, so not bad. :) My next blanket project is a beautiful, fancy blanket based on the Nordic tree of life, Yggdrasil. It is going to be a challenge I'm certain, but it is so beautiful!! Also, it is for the Sapp baby and his dad is a big Nortic/Germanic type fan. I should figure out something to do as well along the Mexican lines to represent Mama. :) Hmmm.

The big Impressionist blanket is coming along, over half done. It will be my first blocking experience so it should be interesting.

So much fun and I have a whole summer to the sun!!!