Monday, May 16, 2011

I was going through my pictures trying to organize them while I was learning about delivering breech babies and I realized I have some sock pictures and a couple of WIPs to load!

Here are the Crabby McCrabbypants socks reborn as flip-flop socks. :) I put a garter stitch heel on them, found at Knitpurl Hunter. It is lovely and cushy and Alisha likes it. It is also really simple to do, which I like. :)

Here is that lovely Mochi yarn being knit into more flip-flop socks. I finished them as well, but have been waiting for the right time to get pictures of them in the sun!! May has been sucking for sun so far. I used the garter stitch heel on these too.

This is the beginning of the Impressionist Afghan from Knit Picks. It is so simple, but insanely fun to knit, even when it gets big and you feel like you are knitting forever in the middle. I'm on the fourth color and nearly to the center of the blanket. Loving it so far.

That's all for today. Gotta get back to the drudgery of school. :)

PS. This wee baby hat found a head to go on at the birth I attended Wednesday night. :) Maybe the mama will let me take a picture of it on the baby at the one week visit and post it. I'll ask.