Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The scarf made from my first hand spun is done. It turned out well, though I went through 8 oz and ended up with only about 55" of scarf, much less than I had anticipated. Of course, I really started getting the hang of the best way to spin this wool at the very end of what I had. Oh well, there is more of another wool, so I'll have plenty of time to keep spinning. :)

Here is a sock called the Button Up sock (from Think Outside the Sox). I just love this book. It only took me about 10 days to finish (which is good for me), but as I was putting on the buttons, I realized that I reversed the cuff on the right sock so the wrong side of the cuff is on the right side of the foot and vice versa. Doh! Looks like I will be frogging that and redoing the foot part of the sock. At least it is only the foot and only one sock. I'm still not looking forward to redoing it.

I'm currently working on some fingerless mittens with a convertible mitten top. I think they will be comfy and warm. :) Then I'll be making some wool socks for my niece and nephew. After that, possibly a scarf for a friend. Then, of course, there is the ever present knitting of the hexipuffs!

I'll be traveling to Russia in December and am trying to think of what to bring with me that will be easy to travel with and small. At this point, I'm thinking I will end up taking the hexipuffs. I figured out how much yarn each one takes and I have some wee needles that I can pull together. It would all be pretty compact and I don't have to stuff them necessarily until I return to the States.

My creativity has taken a nose dive the past few weeks. I actually wandered around two yarn stores this weekend and didn't get excited about anything much. Then, I was watching a TV show and saw a hat that I would like to knit. :) Just have to find the right yarn. I'd like to be more creative in my knitting that scarves, hats, and socks, but I'm also unwaveringly practical. :) BORING!! At least everyone seems to enjoy what I make them. :)

That's all for today. I shall leave you all with a picture of the kiteh "helping" me knit.

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