Monday, April 18, 2011


Here are some of my works in progress(wip)/things I will be working on soon.

I made these socks for Alisha already, but they turned out to be larger than I expected, this was a new type of yarn for me (Blue Moon Fiber Arts Silkie Socks That Rock - part silk part wool), and she really wanted the flip-flop toes. So, I frogged them and am about halfway through their second knitting. I'm including a picture of their first incarnation.

These are called Union Jack Argyle from Think Outside the Sox(no specific recommendations for Amazon here). I am using Stroll Tonal (Springtime and Deep Waters) from Knit Picks. I have had to rip them back once and may have to do so again because they are getting tight. I think I'm being too tight in my knitting. I've set them aside for now.

This is the Impressionist Afghan, also from Knit Picks. I saw it, fell in love, and bought the kit. It may end up being a home project because it will ultimately get pretty big. Another reason to like socks, so portable.

This will become toe socks for Alisha. I love this yarn, even if it has to be hand washed. It is soft and warm and the colors are alway so rich. It is Mini Mochi, though I can't recall the color right now.

So, I'll keep posting pictures as these get finished and as I come up with more stuff to knit!

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