Tuesday, June 4, 2013

New office!?

Whee! I have a potential new office space! Terrifying really because I don't even have patients yet, but still thrilling. It seems the best option for the money and I am sure that it will work for what I need initially.

Got to pull together a better budget. Gosh, I hope I can remember everything!

I also need to STICK to my budget. :) Got some groceries today and am making a, hopefully amazing, lentil soup. It always smells delightful, but sometimes isn't as delightful in taste. I should get my housemate's girlfriend to make us Dahl and ship it. Her dahl is amazing and I would totally pay for that stuff! Got some other stuff too, which should last the week. I have a bad habit of going to the store and grabbing things as I need them, when I could actually start cooking again and save a lot of money. Oh cooking. The lentil soup isn't even hard to make.

Blah blah, I just felt like chatting with whoever actually reads this. I need to come up with some more blog posts for one of my other blogs and get content for my website as well. I decided no TV (which is pretty much only Netflix right now) during the day. I started watching a medical drama last night (oh what a huge, gigantic 28 week premie). It is tolerable, though I think I will be mocking them heartily, see parenthetical premie comment above. Considering that is why I watch medical dramas, this is a good thing.

I haven't been finishing that scarf. The edges are looking kind of funky and I am hoping that blocking will fix them. If not, well I'm not sure what I'll do. I'm just going to finish and see how I like it. Other than that, no handy crafts at all. Oy.

Now that I've taken my "break", I need to get back to that budget. Toodles!

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